Monday, September 10, 2012

City Happenings 9/10/12

What's happening within the City of West Plains this week? Let's see...

The Fire Department is seeking people interested in becoming paid-on-call firefighters. Applications for this can be picked up at City Hall or Fire Station #1. Tryouts are Wednesday, September 12th at 6 p.m., therefore we ask you get your application in as soon as possible!

The Fire Department, along with other emergency personnel are wanting to remind business owners and citizens that your place of residence/business should have your address properly placed on your structure. This makes it easier for emergency personnel to respond to calls with a visible address on the building. We appreciate your help in making this happen!

Saturday, September 15th will be the annual City Employee sponsored golf tournament. Tee time is 8:30 a.m., 3-man scramble, and $90 per team. Please call the golf course at 256-9824 to sign up. Teams can sign up the day of. We will have a hole-in-one prize sponsored by West Plains Marine, several door prizes, and cash payback to the winners. Please come and play, it will be a great day at the West Plains Municipal Golf Course!

September 20th will be the next Planning and Zoning meeting at City Hall beginning at 5:30 p.m. This is a very important meeting where a public hearing will be held at 5:30 p.m. on our new draft sign ordinance. We are urging all citizens who own a business and USE temporary signage to please come and give your input. There will be a better definition of temporary signage within this ordinance. All citizens invited and we hope you attend!

Today, September 10th, is the initial start up for the Timbers Booster Station. Residents in the Timbers Subdivision will experience an increase in water pressure beginning this morning. If you should have any questions please contact the City Hall at 256-7176.

On the topic of water, we have asked citizens to be good stewards of the city's water system and to conserve water the best they can. In a result of this we are seeing that water is being conserved at 1/2 million gallons a day. Thank you, West Plains!

With the recent rain we've had watch out for mosquitoes and spots where they enjoy hanging out. This means dump all buckets with water in them, change outside pet water bowls daily, and if you had a pool this summer either drain it or keep the pump running. Mosquitoes enjoy stagnant water so dump whatever you have around your yard! Rain also makes the grass grow...7 inches is the limit for your grass!

Power outages...if you experience a power outage after City Hall closes (8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) contact the West Plains Police Department at 256-2244. They will contact the electric department who will then begin work on your power. We appreciate your calls and want all to know this is correct protocol for power outages.

The engineering construction crew will be back on West Main this week working on the sidewalk in front of what will be Gohn Hall. What has been completed so far looks great! Watch out for our workers in that area as you drive by.

Anne Drive from Gleghorn to Anne Street will be closed today and Jackson Street from Thornburgh to Davis will be closed until Thursday. Please find alternate routes during this time and know we appreciate your cooperation!

September 14th is the deadline to turn in letters of interest for the vacant city council seat. This term will expire in 2016 (Jack Pahlmann's council term). Mayor Pahlmann was appointed August 28, 2012 to the Mayor seat to fill the unexpired term of Mayor Joe Paul Evans who recently passed away.

And always, for updates on daily happenings in the city, look us up on Facebook!

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